Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ: prison or Hollywood?

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ
Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ might go to prison for 10 years! Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ can play in an American movie! This news appeared in the Turkish press at the same time. Let’s try to figure out which one is true. Or are both true?
One of the most successful actors in Turkey Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ found himself in a very difficult situation because of his accountant. As it turned out, the fraudster, who serviced the accounts of the stars of the Turkish screen, did not pay the taxes of the actor, but simply pocketed this money for himself. When the tax office conducted an audit for 2012-2013, it presented the bill to Kıvanç. As a result, the actor was to pay a fine of 900 thousand Turkish lira. But this was not the end of the story: since tax evasion was a criminal offense, the prosecutor accused him and demanded imprisonment of 6 to 10 years. A fraudulent accountant has disappeared in an unknown direction and is now on the wanted list.
It should be noted that Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ is not the only victim in this story. Earlier, another client of the thieving accountant, the famous TV host Cagla Sikel, was acquitted on an identical charge. The court hearing attended by Kıvanç ended fairly quickly. The court decided to adjourn the hearing until February. It is then that a decision will be made whether the actor will be charged or whether he will be fully acquitted. Fans of Kıvanç protest the actions of the prosecutor’s office pointing out that the actor himself became a victim and blaming him is unjust and wrong. One can only hope that the Turkish court will turn out to be more sensible and for Mr. Tatlıtuğ this story will finally end.
The actor will learn about the court’s decision from his lawyer: he will no longer be present at the next Meeting of the Court. The court exempted him from participating in court hearings in February, as his lawyer provided the court with evidence that the actor would be in the United States because of a new project (film) scheduled for this time. Of course, the fans of the star are intrigued: what kind of project is it and why will it be shot in the USA?
So far, no details have been revealed about the upcoming work of Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ. However, we hope that a bright future awaits him and the ugly story of the prison will remain just an unpleasant memory. We are closely following the development of events.