Bergüzar Korel’s sister became a cleaning lady

Bergüzar Korel’s sister became a cleaning lady
Bergüzar Korel is one of the most famous and beloved Turkish actresses. However, her older sister works as a cleaner. What happened in the family of a Turkish screen star?
The elder sister of Bergüzar Korel Zeynep shocked Turkish journalists. The young woman holds two higher education degrees. She was educated both in Turkey with a degree in tourism and hotel management, and in the USA with a degree in design. However, having moved to the United States for permanent residence, she actually began life from scratch. Despite the fact that both the sister and mother offered the young woman help, she categorically refused and decided to rely only on her own strength.
As a result, she currently works as a house cleaner, earning $70 for spring cleaning, and also walks dogs on weekends ($12). In the future, Zeynep plans to establish her own company and while saving up money for this. As she stated the work she is not ashamed of and this is her decision. According to Zeynep, she cleans the houses every day and for her the shame is to live off her family. Of course, if her father were alive, he would not have allowed to do this, everything would have been completely different.
According to Zeynep, she grew up in a family where they distinguished children, no one in her childhood supported her when she went to work and study at the same time. No one said that she was doing great. But she had to take care of her younger sister, so she asks other parents not to repeat such a mistake. Praise the children for their small victories.
It seems that she is seriously offended by her mother and is not going to forgive her. However, the young woman still maintains relations with her family; last year, her mother Hulya Darcan traveled to the USA and visited her eldest daughter. Bergüzar Korel, in turn, offered her help several times, but Zeynep firmly stands her ground and does not want to accept family money.
Will Zeynep be able to fulfill her dream and open her own company? Will she accept help from the family? We will follow the development of this difficult family story.