Rating of Turkish Netflix TV shows in IMDB on July 28, 2020

Turkish Netflix TV shows in IMDB
Last week, the IMDB rating for Turkish Netflix series was determined by the gradual weakening of interest in the series The Protector, released three weeks ago. However, the project still maintains its leadership among the Turkish shows of the digital platform.
After completing The Protector, the audience asked about other Turkish-made TV series, which were up in the ratings. At the same time, the shows’ positions relative to each other have not changed. The Rise of Empires: Ottoman continues to be of the greatest interest, and Love 101 at the bottom of the list.
This week’s ranking of the original Turkish Netflix TV series is as follows:
🦊 Television shows:
The Protector – 214⬇ (-120)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman – 936⬆ (+57)
The Gift – 1466⬆ (+119)
Love 101 – 1632⬆ (+28)
🦊 All world film production:
The Protector – 369⬇ (-236)
Rise of Empires: Ottoman – 2924⬆ (+207)
The Gift – 4984⬆ (+397)
Love 101 – 5579⬆ (+62)
We remind you that the rating in the database is calculated based on the preferences of 250 million regular IMDB users and is a very serious indicator for producers.