Is Demet Özdemir getting married?

Demet Özdemir
Demet Özdemir’s fans continue to receive wonderful news from their favorite star. The career of the actress is on the rise, and it seems that a very happy event will happen very soon in her personal life.
Demet Ozdemir is living perhaps the best period of her life. Both the career and personal life of the actress are on the rise. Already on February 11, a new film “Love Tactics” in which she shared the main role with Şükrü Ozyyldiz will be released on Netflix. A new series is being prepared for the digital platform Disney Plus “Between the World and Me”, where Bugra Gulsoy became her co-star. The star continues to receive offers for advertising contracts.
It was also good news that Demet decided to give her beloved Oguzhan Koç a second chance. He sought forgiveness for a very long time and, it seems, he succeeded. The couple not only reconciled, but is also preparing for a serious step. According to well-known journalist Birsen Altuntas, the singer is preparing a grandiose party for his beloved on the occasion of St. Valentine’s Day. It is on February 14 that he intends to make her an official proposal. According to the couple’s friends, Mr. Koç wants the marriage proposal to be made in a solemn setting and to be remembered for life.