Turkish Series News on May 9, 2022
Filming for the first season of The Trial will wrap up next week. The final episode will air on May 29th.

The Trial
Disney Plus bought the rights for the digital relase of the musical ‘Alice in Wonderland’. We remind you that the main roles in the musical are played by Serenay Sarikaya, Ezgi Mola, Enis Arikan, Şükrü Özyıldız, Ibrahim Selim and Merve Dizdar

Alice in Wonderland
Serkan Çayoğlu became a co-star of Neslihan Atagul in the new film of OGM Pictures ‘ Ah Belinda’

Serkan Çayoğlu
Hazal Kaya for Lancôme brand – new photo

Hazal Kaya
Fahriye Evcen updated her Instagram

Fahriye Evcen
Ufuk Bayraktar has sold the rights to show his film ‘Uncle / Dayı’ on the Amazon Prime digital platform. Recall that the film gathered 465 thousand viewers at the box office. The film will premiere on the platform on May 13. Now Ufuk is busy preparing a sequel

Uncle / Dayı
Gold Film Company is preparing a new series ‘Before I Die / Ben Ölmeden Önce’ for the digital platform TRT Dijital, which will start its work on October 1st. The director and screenwriter is Ahmet Sönmez. The series will consist of 8 episodes of 45 minutes each. Each episode will tell a different story.

TRT Dijital
According to Birsen Altuntas Feyaz Sherifoglu joined the project ‘Musicals from Symphonic Broadway to Istanbul / Senfonik Broadway’den İstanbul’a Müzikaller’, which is being prepared by Haldun Dormen. Zerrin Tekindor, Asuman Dabak, Pelin Akil, Başak Gümülcinelioglu and Yasemin Sakallioğlu will also take part in the project. The premiere will take place on September 20

Feyyaz Şerifoğlu
Dogukhan Gungor joined the cast of the series ‘Judge / Hakim’. He will play the role of Juma’s brother named Asaf

Dogukhan Gungor
Zuhal Olcay joined the cast of the series ‘At the end of the night / Gecenin Ucunda’ starring Neslihan Atagul and Kadir Dogulu. She will play the role of the mother of Neslihan’s character named Sermin. Kadir Doğulu will play the role of Kizim, the eldest son of the wealthy Isik family

Zuhal Olcay
Necip Memili joined the cast of the film ‘Ah, Belinda’ starring Neslihan Atagul

Necip Memili
Kaan Yıldırım, who continues filming in the TV series ‘Mevlana’, is already negotiating to star in the new series of the TIMS&B company ‘Madame Judge / Hakime Hanım’ starring Vahide Percin

Kaan Yıldırım
Birsen Altuntas has confirmed that Neslihan Atagul will play the lead role in the OGM Pictures remake of Ah Belinda.

Neslihan Atagul
Hande Erçel for Nocturne

Hande Erçel
Ceyda Ates with her little daughter Talia

Ceyda Ates
Şükrü Özyıldız nominated for the list of the most handsome faces in the world according to TC Candler

Şükrü Özyıldız
Deniz Baysal and Caglar Ertugrul behind the scenes of the series Organization

Deniz Baysal and Caglar Ertugrul
Aybuke Pusat, who was spotted in the Zorlu shopping center, said that she had been working very hard lately, so she decided to have a little rest with friends on the weekend.

Aybuke Pusat
The Turkish press reports on the decision of the BeIN Connect platform to end the show ‘Dreams and Lives’ in the first season

Dreams and Lives
Nilperi Şahinkaya followed the example of her colleagues and decided to work in the theater. The actress took the stage in the play Natural Disaster / Doğal Afet at the Zorlu shopping center

Nilperi Şahinkaya
Berk Cankat celebrates his 38th birthday today

Berk Cankat
Happy and in love, Melisa Asli Pamuk and Mustafa Mert Koç were spotted on the streets of Istanbul. Smiling, Melisa remembered Mustafa’s words that she was the most beautiful woman in the world and admitted that she loved him very much.

Melisa Asli Pamuk and Mustafa Mert Koç
The digital platform Gain presented its subscribers with a new series ‘Actually you are free / Aslında Özgürsün’ starring Deniz Çakır and Bade Işcil

Actually you are free / Aslında Özgürsün
Edip Tepeli could well have played Yves Saint Laurent

Edip Tepeli
According to the Turkish press, Burak Özçivit added a red Ferrari 599 GTB F1 worth 4 million 100 thousand Turkish liras to his garage. The car number consists of the initials of his son Karan Özçivit.

Burak Özçivit
Turkish press reports that Alper Saldiran is dating model Lara Alan

Alper Saldiran
Kaan Urgancioglu and Pinar Deniz on the set of the series ‘The Trial’

Kaan Urgancioglu and Pinar Deniz
Aras Bulut İynemli, Oner Erkan and Rıza Kocaoğlu on the set of the TV series Çukur four years ago

Aras Bulut İynemli, Oner Erkan and Rıza Kocaoğlu
Disney Plus has acquired the rights to the series Sort of / Gibi from Exxen. Two more seasons will be released on the platform of Ajun Iliciali and then the series will continue on Disney Plus

Sort of / Gibi
The CEO of the state-owned TRT TV channel announced that the state channel will create an international digital platform alternative to Netflix in 2023

Suleyman Kara joined the cast of the state TV channel TRT1 of the series ‘Balkan Lullaby / Balkan Ninnisi’, where he will play the character of Mustafa

Suleyman Kara