Journalists criticize Bergüzar Korel

Bergüzar Korel
Hürriyet journalist Savas Ozbey responded to Bergüzar Korel’s sharp criticism of influencer Mükremin Gezgin, who was photographed with a newborn baby. As the journalist said in an advertisement for the Hepsiburada online store, the actress is filming with someone else’s child. He can’t even kiss his own. That is, nothing prevents her from kissing other people’s babies. If the advertisement in which the actress is filmed is completely normal, then why shouldn’t she shoot her child in it, and not use someone else’s for these purposes? The words and actions of a person must match. Savas Ozbey does not find Mükremin funny, on the contrary, he has a disgusting sense of humor, but at least he is not a hypocrite.