Turkish Series News on June 12, 2022
Gizem Karaca in a new photo shoot

Gizem Karaca
Renowned journalist Ranini has hinted that the official launch of Turkish content creation on the Amazon Prime platform is close at hand. The platform began to buy films and series produced in Turkey

Amazon Prime
Serenay Aktas and Ilhan Sen behind the scenes of filming promo posters for the series ‘Time to love / Sevmek Zamani’

Serenay Aktas and Ilhan Sen
Öykü Karayel attended the party of the watch brand Longines

Öykü Karayel
A new photo shoot for Melis Sezen, who became a star after the TV series ‘Unfaithful’

Melis Sezen
Bora Akkas with a four-legged friend

Bora Akkas
Hande Erçel advertises the brand Atasay, of which she is the advertising face

Hande Erçel
Burak Deniz watched the play ‘Peter Pen’ starring Yagiz Can Konyali. Recall that the actors worked together in the series ‘Our Story’

Burak Deniz
Shooting of the film ‘Earth minus two / Yer Eksiİki’ starring Murat Yildirim and Bestemsu Ozdemir has begun

Earth minus two / Yer Eksiİki
Gorgeous image of the star of the TV series ‘Three Sisters’ Ozgu Kaya

Ozgu Kaya
Nesrin Cavadzade at the Summer event with Elle Summer magazine in Alacati

Nesrin Cavadzade
Stills of the new youth series by Süreç Film for Star TV ‘Hear me / Duy Beni’

Hear me / Duy Beni
Bensu Soral for the June issue of Vogue magazine

Bensu Soral
Ebru Şahin as Akkiz

Ebru Şahin
Ozan Güven was spotted with a girl at a gas station in Etiler. As the actor explained, he is in a hurry to the performance. When asked by journalists why the girl hides her face, Ozan replied: ‘So that you do not write nonsense.’ Recall that the trial of Mr. Güven, who is accused of beating his beloved Deniz Bulutsuz, continues

Ozan Güven
Charming Alina Boz in a new photo shoot

Alina Boz
Turkish actor Tamer Levent said that he is now writing a script, it will be a family story

Tamer Levent
Ipek Arkan was nominated for the list of the most beautiful faces in the world according to TC Candler. The girl starred in the daytime series ‘Legacy’

Ipek Arkan
On June 14, Kerem Bursin will join the opening of the NFT project Olyverse along with the star of the TV series ‘Money Heist’ Alvaro Morte, director Koldo Serra and actress Cayetana Guillen Cuervo

The rudeness of Turkish taxi drivers is a big problem in Turkey. The latest victim of such a brazen ‘carrier’ was the actor Hakan Yufkacigil. After a brief ‘conversation’ in the car, the actor decided to get out of the taxi and take a photo of his number to file a complaint. However, the taxi driver reacted so violently that Hakan ended up in the hospital with a broken nose and injuries to his arm. And the taxi driver is now explaining at the police station.

Hakan Yufkacigil
Çağatay Ulusoy on the set of the series ‘Terzi / The Tailor’ today

Çağatay Ulusoy
The first episode of the Fox TV series ‘The Perfect Tenant / Kusursuz Kiracı’ has been completed. The film crew has taken a break and will return to filming in August

The Perfect Tenant / Kusursuz Kiracı
Мирай Данер разожгла страсти в турецкой прессе, раскритиковав своих коллег, которые слишком привязаны к социальным сетям, им нравится быть на виду. По словам актрисы она пользуется социальными аккаунтами, но не слишком часто, вообще это ей никогда особо не нравилось

Мирай Данер
Новая фотосессия мистера харизма Экина Коча

Экин Коч
Один из подопечных Энгина Айканата Йигитджан Эргин покинул каст сериала “Опасные улицы / Arka Sokaklar” в конце сезона. Актер готовится вернуться в новом проекте

Йигитджан Эргин
По сообщению блогера Дениза Турала Эбру Озкан ведет переговоры с Октаем Кайнарджа на участие в сериале “Я не могу вписаться в этот мир / Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam”

Эбру Озкан
Сыла Тюркоглу в новой фотосессии. Интересно, как скоро актриса найдет себе проект в прайм-тайм?

Сыла Тюркоглу
Серенай Сарыкая сообщила в программе Ибрагима Селима, что читает сценарий сериала Нетфликс о первой женщине-режиссере Турции Джахиде Сонку, который будет снимать компания BKM

Серенай Сарыкая