Barış Arduç and Gupse Özay became parents

Barış Arduç and Güpse Özay
According to Birsen Altuntas, the daughter of Barış Arduç and Gupse Özay was called a double name – Jan Asya. In Turkey, the name ‘Jan’ of Circassian origin is not very common and has the meaning of agile, skillful, hardworking, noble origin. The name Asya means healing in Arabic, rising sun in Greek, and one of the five continents in Turkish. The journalist also reports that after completing work on the second season of the series ‘Club’, Barış Arduç took a short vacation to take care of his wife and daughter. The new episodes of the series ‘Alparslan: The Great Seljuks’, which were filmed in the summer, will be shown to the audience starting from September 19.