The scandalous finale of the series ‘Legend’

Legend / Destan
The decision on the finale of the series “Legend / Destan”, originally renewed for the 2nd season, was a surprise not only for the fans of the show, but also for the film crew, who challenged the producer and management of ATV.
Fans of the series “Legend / Destan”, who were looking forward to the continuation of their favorite project, received extremely unpleasant news. The ATV channel and the Bozdağ Film TV company decided to finish filming the series and start working on a new TV show based on the same historical material. However, the audience will not be left without the finale of the story of Akkiz and Batuga. The producer filmed the final episode of the TV show, which will be broadcast on September 15th.
According to well-known journalist Birsen Altuntas, the film crew of the series expressed their dissatisfaction with the decision. After that, the producer Mehmet Bozdağ called the actors and employees by video link and scolded them in a harsh manner. As a result, the conflict was settled, the group returned to work, but Selim Bayraktar did not want to star in the final episode, showing integrity. The atmosphere on the set of the last episode was far from friendly, people were very nervous.
Recall that the management of ATV canceled the filming of the 2nd season, as they really liked the script. The channel’s managers decided that it was not worth spending such good material on a series with low ratings, it would be better to make a new show. In the near future, we will find out exactly what kind of story we are talking about and who will star in the series, which will be aired next year.