Ufuk Kaplan criticized the new adaptation of ‘Forbidden Love’

Ufuk Kaplan

Ufuk Kaplan

Ufuk Kaplan, who played Katya in the series ‘Forbidden Love’, did not hide the fact that the new adaptation of the famous book made her skeptical. It may turn out like with the TV series ‘The Magnificent Century’, when Vahide Perçin was replaced by Meryem Uzerli. Vahide is a wonderful actress and a wonderful person, but many viewers were still dissatisfied with the replacement. It will be the same here. Farah and Beren will be compared. When one says ‘Bihter’, the image of Beren Saat pops up before their eyes involuntarily.

When asked who she sees as her character, Ufuk did not answer diplomatically, but commented on Hazal Kaya’s statement that she does not watch Turkish TV shows. According to the actress, Khazal has always been an open and honest person; she says what she really means, and does not flatter. Furthermore, she has a young child, so she may not have the physical time to watch TV. Therefore, the actress believes this is completely normal. Their job is not to watch TV shows, but to act in them.