Rating for Sunday, March 26

Ratings of Turkish TV
The TV series “Yargı” increased by 0.23% in total ratings and by 1.51% in the AB ratings. The show of producer Kerem Catay is making great progress toward its end and is serving as yet further evidence that a competent screenwriter who firmly guides the plot to a logical conclusion is the most crucial component of any TV series.
The TV series “Teşkilat” lost 1.12% in total ratings and 1.83% in the AB ratings. The decline in viewers is regrettable, but it makes sense given that many traditional viewers—the channel’s major audience—prefer not to watch television during the holy month of Ramadan.
The TV series “EGO” lost 0.25% in total ratings and 0.48% in the AB ratings. Although the series’ ratings are not great, they are also not bad. The show will be allowed to complete the season by Fox TV, but it is unlikely that it will be renewed for the next one.
The TV series “Başım Belada” lost 0.44% in total ratings and completely fell out of the AB ratings. Yet, given that the show was shifted to practically midnight and is scheduled to end after the sixth episode, this is to be expected.
1. Yargı – 5.79%⬆
2. Teşkilat – 5.27%⬇
7. EGO – 3.15%⬇
11. Güzel Günler – 2.67%⬇
48. Başım Belada – 0.90%⬇
1. Yargı – 7.40%⬆
3. Teşkilat – 4.50%⬇
6. EGO – 3.40%⬇
8. Güzel Günler – 2.71%⬇
-. Başım Belada – N/A