Rating for Sunday, April 16

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Yargı” lost 0.32% in total, but grew by 0.41% in AB. The Ay Yapim television company’s show has already been renewed for a third season, so fans can enjoy their favorite series for at least another year.
The series “Teşkilat” lost 0.22% in total and 0.45% in AB. However, this is not particularly surprising before the start of the holiday week, given the channel’s conservative audience. The renewal of the show for the next season is practically a done deal.
The series “EGO” lost 0.52% in total, but grew by 0.66% in AB. There is not much time left until the end of the season, so the story is already moving towards its logical conclusion. Renewal for a second season with such ratings is not possible.
1. Yargı – 5.33%⬇
2. Teşkilat – 4.97%⬇
9. Güzel Günler – 2.71%⬇
11. EGO – 2.29%⬇
1. Yargı – 7.54%⬆
2. Teşkilat – 4.44%⬇
6. EGO – 2.90%⬆
7. Güzel Günler – 2.88%⬆