Rating for Saturday, April 22

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Gönül Dağı” lost 0.30% in total, but increased by 0.46% in AB. It seems that even during the holidays, the state channel’s project continues to find its loyal audience. It is not surprising that the fourth season is already planned. The series remains one of the undisputed leaders of Turkish TV.
The series “Kardeşlerim” lost 0.04% in total and 0.23% in AB. The decrease is insignificant and quite predictable, given the ongoing holidays, so it won’t have much impact on anything. The project has already been renewed for the fourth season.
1. Gönül Dağı – 7.24%⬇
2. Kardeşlerim – 6.30%⬇
1. Gönül Dağı – 6.96%⬆
2. Kardeşlerim – 4.23%⬇