The case against “Mr. Wrong” producers has been resolved

Bay Yanlış / Mr. Wrong
The court action brought up against the creators of the TV show “Bay Yanlış” (Mr. Wrong) has been settled. The news is not favorable to Turkish channel D. The court dismissed the channel’s case against the series’ creators for 14 million Turkish liras.
The Turkish channel D has lost the legal case it brought against Gold Film in connection with the TV series “Bay Yanlış” (Mr. Wrong). According to Kanal D’s statement, they had signed a contract with Gold Film to create a series based on the script by Aslı and Banu Zengin, starring Can Yaman. However, after Gold Film demanded some changes to the contract, Kanal D suddenly learned that Gold Film had signed a contract with FOX TV, causing financial damage to Kanal D. Representatives of the channel claimed that they had signed advertising agreements for the summer season of 2020, and these contracts were not fulfilled, resulting in financial damage.
At the conclusion of the three-year judicial process, Kanal D’s request for material and moral compensation was denied “in regard to the absence of passive legitimate action.” The demand, according to Gold Film’s attorney, was unfair because the legal contract had not yet been signed. The plaintiff’s claims lack legal standing in the absence of formal agreement, the court ruled after finding this argument convincing.