Rating for Saturday, June 10

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Gönül Dağı” (Mountain of Hearts) experienced a decrease of 1.31% in total ratings and 0.45% in AB (target audience). However, this is not of significant importance as ratings predictably decline for all prime-time leaders during the summer period. The state television show is heading into its fourth season with a strong results.
The series “Kardeşlerim” (For my family) saw a decrease of 0.26% in total ratings but experienced a growth of 0.27% in AB. The show on ATV channel has shown surprising stability, and its renewal for a fourth season is not surprising.
Total Ratings:
2. Gönül Dağı – 6.85%⬇
3. Kardeşlerim – 5.32%⬇
AB Ratings:
3. Gönül Dağı – 6.41%⬇
4. Kardeşlerim – 4.14%⬆