Rating for Sunday, June 25

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Vermem Seni Ellere” grew by 0.06% in total viewership and 0.49% in the AB demographic. The increase is not very significant, but its presence is already a good sign that indicates the series will remain on air at least until the end of the summer season.
The series “Teşkilat” concluded its season with a decrease of 1.53% in total viewership and 1.25% in the AB demographic. This is a very unfavorable sign for the creators, who will need to regain interest in their show in the upcoming season. Although the state channel continues to air projects with low ratings, it is still not a pleasant outcome.
1. Vermem Seni Ellere – 3.68%⬆
2. Teşkilat – 3.19%⬇ (season finale)
2. Teşkilat – 2.72%⬇ (season finale)
3. Vermem Seni Ellere – 2.15%⬆