Rating for Monday, July 3

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Üvey Anne” lost 0.71% in total ratings but increased by 0.70% in the AB demographic. Currently, the show’s numbers appear modest, but it will likely remain on air until the end of the summer season, following the trend of most summer series that conclude with the arrival of the main season’s shows.
The series “Veda Mektubu” lost 0.86% in total ratings and 0.62% in the AB demographic. It is worth noting that Channel D extended the airing of the show in the hope that ratings would increase in the absence of competition. Unfortunately, it seems that this forecast did not materialize, so the channel may reconsider its decision.
The series “Maviye Sürgün” lost 0.45% in total ratings and 0.65% in the AB demographic. The show clearly did not resonate with Turkish viewers, but thanks to being filmed in advance and in its entirety, fans will still see a logical storyline that won’t end abruptly, as often happens in Turkish dramas.
Total Ratings:
2. Üvey Anne – 2.57%⬇
5. Veda Mektubu – 2.18%⬇
11. Maviye Sürgün – 1.39%⬇
AB Demographic Ratings:
1. Üvey Anne – 2.47%⬆
5. Veda Mektubu – 1.79%⬇
9. Maviye Sürgün – 1.54%⬇