Rating for Thursday, July 20

Ratings of Turkish TV
TV series “Kendi Düşen Ağlamaz” increased by 0.23% in total viewership but decreased by 0.33% in the target audience (AB). Overall, compared to other summer season shows, this series is holding up quite well, although it does not demonstrate impressive results. As they say, “something is better than nothing.”
TV series “Ya Çok Seversen” grew by 0.29% in total viewership and 0.87% in the target audience (AB), which delighted the fans of the main star of the series, who were feeling down after the unsuccessful start. However, the numbers remain very modest, and the series is unlikely to stay on air for long, ending its run in early September, as originally planned.
1. Kendi Düşen Ağlamaz – 3.66%⬆
3. Ya Çok Seversen – 2.48%⬆
2. Kendi Düşen Ağlamaz – 2.82%⬆
3. Ya Çok Seversen – 2.46%⬇