Main characters of the series “Another love / Bambaşka Biri”

Bambaşka Biri
FOX TV introduces the characters of its new series “Another love / Bambaşka Biri”, which will start airing on Monday, September 11. Viewers will be able to watch the interesting characters of the series, who are united by one exciting story.

Hande Erçel
Leyla Gediz (Hande Erçel)
Leyla is a young, beautiful, and brave prosecutor. After returning to Istanbul to serve after 4 years, she is faced with a mysterious and complex murder case. In the course of investigating this case, her path crosses with that of Kenan, a famous and successful news anchor. It will of course not be difficult for Leyla to impress this young man.
While Leyla tries to figure out the murder case, which goes far beyond what she has been taught all this time, she also faces the dark past of her family. In addition to work, the young woman also embarks on a complicated love affair with Kenan, who, due to an illness, lives the life of two completely different people, who are locked in his one body. Leyla of course knows nothing about the existence of the second personality inside Kenan…

Burak Deniz
Kenan Öztürk (Burak Deniz)
Kenan is one of the most successful and famous news anchormen in all of Turkey. He is an intelligent and handsome man with a great sense of humor. After the mysterious killer, wanted by the police, chooses Kenan to be the voice of his society, Kenan gets involved in an adventure with Leyla, the prosecutor who is investigating the case.
Leyla, a beautiful woman who made a strong impression on Kenan from the very first sight. However, Kenan’s mysterious illness, which he is not even aware of, will become a major test for Kenan and Leyla.

Cem Davran
Turan Öztürk (Cem Davran)
Turan is the deputy attorney general, Kenan’s father, and Leyla’s boss. He is a successful and authoritative man. He has the key to all the mysteries and unanswered questions. Turan knows the truth about his son’s illness, but it is hard for him to accept this terrible truth. He will either burn his son with his own hands, or for his son, he will burn himself.

Muttalip Müjdeci
Ekrem Gediz (Muttalip Müjdeci)
Ekrem is Leyla’s father, whose past is vague, mysterious, and a bit dark. Despite the fact that today this man seems to be a confident businessman from the outside, a serious mistake he made in the past still keeps him awake at night. Nevertheless, he is the only person in the family who has maintained good relations with Leyla. After years, the mistake he made in his past is about to catch up with Leyla.

Gülçin Hatihan
Şahin Dağı (Gülçin Hatihan)
Şahin Dağı is Leyla’s mother. She has a bad relationship with her daughter. When Leyla just started her job as a prosecutor, she and Şahin Dağı quarreled over her brother, who was involved in some problems. Over time, their relationship did not improve. Although Şahin Dağı loves her children and family, she has only one true weakness – her son Tahir.

Berrin Arısoy
Nevin Öztürk (Berrin Arısoy)
Nevin is Kenan’s mother, Turan’s wife, a housewife who is devoted to her family. As for any mother, for Nevin, there is nothing she can’t do for her son. In the years when Kenan was going through a psychological disorder that manifested itself in his childhood, Nevin calmly dealt with any difficulty that happened during that time. Years later, the relapse of Kenan’s illness brought Nevin back to the days of that nightmare, reviving all the suffering that seemed to have already passed.

Uğur Uzunel
Tahir Gediz (Uğur Uzunel)
Tahir is Leyla’s older brother. He is tired of the oppressive authority of his father. Tahir is eagerly awaiting the day when all power and money will come into his hands. The better his relationship with his mother becomes, the worse his relationship with his father becomes. Because of the accident they got into a few years ago, Tahir and Leyla are practically sworn enemies.

Begüm Akkaya
Yasemin (Begüm Akkaya)
Yasemin is a smart, emotional, and witty lawyer with a tough personality. Leyla’s best friend and confidant. She is the one who is looking for her perfect love, her soulmate. Yasemin, who despite everything continues to believe in true love, will be the biggest supporter of Leyla’s love, who, because of the question marks in her head, could not fully trust Kenan.

Pelin Emre
Nuray (Pelin Emre)
Nuray is a 30-year-old woman who has been hoping for something all her life. She hastily married Tahir, the son of a wealthy family who escaped from the lower middle class, thinking he could provide her with the life she had always dreamed of.
Nuray inevitably became an unpopular daughter-in-law in the family, especially since she could never find a common language with Şahin Dağı. There is no excitement left in her life or marriage. Nuray is jealous of Leyla’s independence. She does not notice Tahir’s crimes and blames Leyla for her husband’s imprisonment.

Menderes Samancılar
İdris (Menderes Samancılar)
İdris is a man who can easily blend in with a crowd and disappear. At first glance, he can make you think he is a very unimportant person who doesn’t deserve your attention, but after seeing him, Turan will never be able to sleep peacefully again.