Rating for Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Ratings of Turkish TV

Ratings of Turkish TV

The ratings for Tuesday brought the return of the third season of the series “Üç Kız Kardeş” to Turkish viewers, which started rather modestly. However, at this point, it doesn’t say much, and the future dynamics of the show will reveal its true potential.

The series “Yabani” increased by 1.26% in total and 0.70% in AB. The growth in the second episode indicates that the audience has become interested in the show, and the key for the scriptwriters now is not to lose viewers by providing a truly engaging story. If this happens, another hit might be in the making.

The series “Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam” lost 0.51% in total but grew by 0.35% in AB. Losing a significant portion of the overall audience as early as the second episode, especially for a channel like ATV, which targets the average viewer, doesn’t bode well for the show. Either the creators will have to quickly rectify the situation, or the series may remain on air only until the end of this year.

The series “Hayatımın Neşesi,” which was moved to Tuesday, grew by 0.73% in total and 0.93% in AB. The show is still on the air thanks to TRT1’s patience, but sooner or later, even their tolerance will run out, as the numbers are still too low.

1. Yabani – 4.81%⬆
4. Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam – 3.73%⬇
6. Üç Kız Kardeş – 3.47%🆕
20. Hayatımın Neşesi – 1.51%⬆

2. Ben Bu Cihana Sığmazam – 3.33%⬆
3. Yabani – 3.24%⬆
5. Üç Kız Kardeş – 2.77%🆕
10. Hayatımın Neşesi – 2.07%⬆