Autumn 2023 on Turkish Television: What to Watch?

Another love / Bambaşka Biri
With the onset of autumn, Turkish television has undergone noticeable changes. Many summer TV shows have concluded, making way for gradually emerging autumn premieres.
On the first day of the week, Monday, viewers were greeted with two ambitious autumn premieres. The first one is the detective drama “Another Love” starring Hande Erçel and Burak Deniz in the lead roles. The second one is the melodrama “Sapphire,” which tells the story of a conflict between two brothers in love with the same girl, starring Özge Yağız, İlhan Şen, and Burak Berkay Akgül. On the same day, the second season of the series “Omer” starring Selahattin Paşalı and Gökçe Bahadır in the lead roles began.

On Tuesday, there was only one premiere, but it became a real event. The series “Wild Life” starring Halit Özgür Sarı in the lead role quickly gained leading positions in the ratings. Previously popular “I Can’t Fit into This World” and “Three Sisters,” on the other hand, lost their positions. October promises the return of the series “Family” with its second season, which may impact the ratings.
Wednesday still has one summer show remaining, “My Beautiful Family,” which is joined by “The Stick man” and “My Name is Farah” with new seasons. It is anticipated that one of the autumn television season’s newcomers will also premiere on this day and also on October 4, the series “The Ottoman” will return to air.

Dilek Taşı
Thursday saw the release of two premieres: the historical melodrama “Stone of Desire” starring Salih Bademci in the lead role and the crime drama “Boundless Love,” which, however, did not receive much attention from viewers. On the same day, the summer romantic comedy series “Who Falls, Doesn’t Cry” continues its broadcast, as well as the returning series “Betrayal” with a new season.
On Friday, two of the most talked-about series of 2023 returned with new seasons: “Golden Boy,” a melodrama about love and family relationships, and “Cranberry Sherbet” with a similar theme. Both shows feel very confident in the air. However, the drama about orphaned children, “Firebirds,” will soon conclude due to low ratings.

For my family / Kardeşlerim
On Saturday, the youth melodrama “For my family” returned with a new season but without Onur Seyit Yaran. The series began to lose viewers’ attention, and this is likely its last season. Also on this day, the broadcast of one of Turkey’s most popular series, “Heart Mountain,” has started, and soon a new show titled “Ties of Fate” starring Serkan Çayoğlu and Ayça Ayşin Turan in the lead roles will debut.

The Trial / Yargı
On Sunday, two popular series will continue: “Family Secrets” and “Intelligence,” and they will be joined by a new TV show called “Dirty Basket,” which has garnered interest from Turkish viewers.
Thus, autumn 2023 on Turkish television promises to be rich and interesting, with a multitude of both new and beloved series for viewers.