The company Ay Yapim will remake the Brazilian hit

Avenida Brasil

Avenida Brasil

Great news for fans of Turkish and Brazilian series. Ay Yapim is set to prepare a remake of one of Brazil’s most famous recent shows, “Avenida Brasil.”

Brazilian media giant Globo has reached a deal to sell the rights for the international adaptation of its major hit, “Avenida Brasil,” to Ay Yapim, one of Turkey’s leading production studios. Madd Entertainment, a joint venture of Medyapim and Ay Yapim responsible for distribution, will sell the series worldwide.

The agreement allows Ay Yapim to make some changes, provided they align with the original’s main plot lines, with consultation from Globo Studios. “Avenida Brasil” is an enthralling melodrama that tells the story of a girl abandoned by her stepmother who returns years later to avenge her father’s death.

Setting itself apart from other telenovelas, the series focuses on Brazil’s middle class, the largest and most sought-after market in the country. This show became a national phenomenon, even causing politicians to cancel appearances at rallies on the day of the final in 2012. Angela Colla, the leader of Globo’s international business department, expressed confidence in the success of the adaptation and its potential in both the Turkish and global markets, emphasizing readiness for diverse business models.