Rating for Monday, October 30, 2023

Ratings of Turkish TV
The rating for Monday delivered a new episode of the second season of the series “Alparslan Büyük Selçuklu” to Turkish viewers, concluding next week. Overall, the rating was average but not a failure, especially considering that Turkish viewers easily shift their attention to other shows and may forget old preferences. However, in this case, a sizable audience returned to see how Sultan Alparslan’s story would conclude, signaling a positive sign for the creators who are already preparing a new project about Sultan Salahaddin Ayyubi.
The series “Omer” grew by 0.45% in total and 0.09% in AB. It seems the second season of the show by producer Onur Guvenatam is even more popular among the Turkish audience than the first, indicating the skill of the writers in maintaining narrative integrity and not squandering the audience in pursuit of minor rating spikes. If they maintain this momentum, the project will smoothly pass the entire season and deliver a worthy finale in the next spring-summer.
The series “Safir” lost 0.49% in total and 0.30% in AB. Currently, the creators cannot offer the audience something extraordinary that would keep viewers glued to the screens. The ratings are decent, but the dynamics do not evoke much optimism.
The series “Bambaşka Biri” grew by 0.57% in total but lost 0.18% in AB. Considering that Fox TV is one of Turkey’s most competitive channels, the ratings clearly do not add optimism for fans of the project’s stars. However, producer Timur Savci is entirely confident in his series and even anticipates a second season. Let’s see if such optimism proves justified.
2. Omer – 5.44%⬆
5. Safir – 4.24%⬇
6. Alparslan Büyük Selçuklu – 4.04%🆕
8. Bambaşka Biri – 3.39%⬆
2. Omer – 6.01%⬆
3. Alparslan Büyük Selçuklu – 4.66%🆕
8. Bambaşka Biri – 2.67%⬇
10. Safir – 2.41%⬇