Rating for Friday, December 8, 2023

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını)” lost 1.07% in total and 0.85% in AB. The decline is significant; however, it is worth noting that last week saw a sharp increase, and the current rating figures have simply returned to their usual levels. The show, produced by Onur Güvenatam, has a robust “safety cushion,” and such fluctuations pose no serious threat to it.
The series “Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti)” lost 0.33% in total and 0.44% in AB. Overall, the show by producer Faruk Turgut has a stable audience, and rating fluctuations are within the norm. The second season looks very solid, and the channel might already be considering the renewal of the series.
The series “Firebirds (Ateş Kuşları)” grew by 0.58% in total and 0.37% in AB. The show by producer Mehmet Bozdağ is desperately fighting for its place on the air and shows no intention of giving up. If the negative trends are overcome, it will continue its broadcast in the new year, with good chances for it.
The series “Bambaşka Biri (Another Love)” lost 1.64% in total and 0.82% in AB. The decline is unpleasant but quite predictable, considering the series’ move to a new airing day. However, this is of little importance as only three episodes remain until the finale.
1. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 8.94%⬇
2. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 6.74%⬇
7. Backstreets (Arka Sokaklar) – 4.21%⬇
10. Firebirds (Ateş Kuşları) – 3.95%⬆
43. Bambaşka Biri (Another Love) – 1.05%⬇
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 9.22%⬇
2. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 6.16%⬇
11. Firebirds (Ateş Kuşları) – 2.10%⬆
13. Backstreets (Arka Sokaklar) – 1.97%⬆
35. Bambaşka Biri (Another Love) – 0.92%⬇