Rating for Sunday, December 24, 2023

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Intelligence (Teşkilat)” lost 0.12% in total and 0.10% in AB. Minor fluctuations in the rating do not impact the position of the TRT1 channel show in the broadcast, as it remains one of Turkey’s popular series for four seasons and is likely to go into its 5th season.
The series “Dirty Basket” lost 0.03% in total but increased by 0.24% in AB. Producer Fatih Aksoy’s show confidently retains its audience, and despite all concerns, it manages to keep viewers’ attention, giving it good prospects for the next year.
The series “Family Secrets (Yargı)” lost 0.40% but increased by 0.47% in AB, in total. Producer Kerem Çatay’s show is stable, and such indicators in the third season satisfy both the channel and the producers of the series, which is also selling well abroad.
The series “Golden Cage (Altın Kafes)” lost 1.02% in total and did not enter the ratings in AB at all. However, this is not surprising, considering that the broadcast was moved practically to midnight. The show will conclude in the next episode.
1. Intelligence (Teşkilat) – 6.24%⬇
2. Dirty Basket (Kirli Sepeti) – 5.83%⬇
3. Family Secrets (Yargı) – 5.24%⬇
5. Golden Cage (Altın Kafes) – 0.75%⬇
1. Family Secrets (Yargı) – 6.44%⬆
3. Intelligence (Teşkilat) – 5.61%⬇
4. Dirty Basket (Kirli Sepeti) – 3.88%⬆
-. Golden Cage (Altın Kafes) – -%⬇