Rating for Friday, December 29, 2023

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti)” lost 0.61% in total and 0.56% in AB. Such fluctuations in ratings are quite common, maintaining the top position is much harder than reaching it, and they do not cause much concern. Producer Faruk Turgut’s show continues to captivate Turkish viewers with its lifelike plot.
The series “Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) ” grew by 0.38% in total but lost 0.32% in AB. Producer Onur Güvenatam’s show remains one of Turkey’s most popular series and firmly keeps the usual audience in front of the screens for the second season. It’s not surprising that the third season is in development, and all characters are increasingly immersed in their problems, which, from the standpoint of ordinary logic, will be impossible to solve. Whether there will be a happy ending in this story is not entirely clear since OGM Pictures already has a precedent where the main heroine found her happiness not with the main hero but with a new, more suitable man.
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 8.50%⬇
2. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 8.50%⬆
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 12.00%⬇
2. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 5.07%⬇