Rating for Saturday, December 30, 2023

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Mountain of Hearts (Gönül Dağı)” lost 0.03% in total and 0.71% in AB. Fluctuations in ratings for one of the most popular show on Turkish television are insignificant and will not affect its future. Perhaps the creators are already preparing for the fifth season.
The series “For my family (Kardeşlerim)” grew by 0.22% in total and 0.20% in AB. The show continues to capture the audience’s attention for the fourth consecutive year, which is a very impressive result for a youth series. Whether the creators decide to extend it for another season is not entirely clear yet.
The series “My Name is Farah (Adım Farah)” concluded with its 27th episode, rising by 0.20% in total and 0.48% in AB. The O3 Medya show is one of the leaders in international sales among Turkish series this year, so despite low ratings in Turkey, the creators of the series did not incur losses.
1. Mountain of Hearts (Gönül Dağı) – 9.66%⬇
2. For my family (Kardeşlerim) – 6.27%⬆
12. My Name is Farah (Adım Farah) – 2.31%⬆ (finale)
1. Mountain of Hearts (Gönül Dağı) – 8.23%⬇
4. For my family (Kardeşlerim) – 3.60%⬆
10. My Name is Farah (Adım Farah) – 2.19%⬆ (finale)