Ratings for Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV
The Ottoman (Kuruluş Osman) grew by 0.01% in total and 1.14% in AB. The producer Mehmet Bozdag’s show continues to lead the Turkish Wednesday primetime and is one of the most successful Turkish TV series for five seasons. The finale, scheduled for June this year, promises to be grand.
My Wonderful Life (Şahane Hayatım) grew by 0.08% in total and 0.02% in AB. The Ay Yapim show has finally managed to capture the attention of the fickle Turkish audience, and is gradually establishing itself in the Wednesday prime-time as one of the successful projects of Fox TV. It is worth noting that this is very good news for the channel’s management, which could not boast of high results last season.
Scent of the Trunk (Sandık Kokusu) lost 0.67% in total and 1.21% in AB. The O3 Medya show, which started very successfully in the Turkish prime-time, has not yet been able to consolidate its success and is slowly losing viewers. However, this sometimes happens at the beginning of the show and does not mean the end of the project. It still has the necessary strength to turn the situation around.
Stone of Wishes (Dilek Taşı) lost 1.06% in total and 1.64% in AB. It seems that the show is losing viewers even faster than expected, and this is a very bad sign for the fans of the series. The closure may follow at any moment if the channel has a worthy replacement.
1. The Ottoman (Kuruluş Osman) – 8.10%⬆
4. My Wonderful Life (Şahane Hayatım) – 5.37%⬆
9. Scent of the Trunk (Sandık Kokusu) – 4.08%⬇
15. Stone of Wishes (Dilek Taşı) – 2.53%⬇
1. The Ottoman (Kuruluş Osman) – 6.27%⬆
2. My Wonderful Life (Şahane Hayatım) – 4.90%⬆
3. Scent of the Trunk (Sandık Kokusu) – 4.21%⬇
15. Stone of Wishes (Dilek Taşı) – 2.05%⬇