Rating for Friday, January 12, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti)” increased by 0.09% in total but lost 0.63% in AB. Producer Faruk Turgut’s show remains one of the most popular series in Turkey this season. Minor fluctuations in the audience do not affect its fate. Information has already surfaced that the series will be renewed for a third season.
The series “Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını)” lost 0.71% in total but increased by 0.76% in AB. Producer Onur Güvenatam’s show has firmly established its place among the biggest successes on the Turkish screen in recent years, and confidently moves towards a third season.
The series “Firebirds (Ateş Kuşları)” lost 1.10% in total and 1.14% in AB. The audience loss is quite significant. The story is approaching its finale, and attempts by the writers to revive it have so far been unsuccessful. It seems that ATV will have to close the show in the near future.
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 8.59%⬆
2. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 7.79%⬇
6. Backstreets (Arka Sokaklar) – 4.79%⬇
10. Firebirds (Ateş Kuşları) – 3.87%⬇
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 11.37%⬇
2. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 5.83%⬆
10. Firebirds (Ateş Kuşları) – 1.87%⬇
15. Backstreets (Arka Sokaklar) – 1.44%⬇