Sümeyye Aydoğan talked about working with Çağatay Ulusoy

Sümeyye Aydoğan
On the question of how she feels working with stars like Çağatay Ulusoy, Onur Saylak, and Erdal Ozyagcilar in the series “Ruthless / Gaddar,” Sümeyye Aydoğan replied: “I feel very comfortable working with Çağatay because he makes my job easier in every aspect, and we understand each other well during filming. It’s also very interesting to act with Onur since he is both an actor and a director. So, I am glad to be a part of this project. As for Erdal Ozyagcilar, my excitement was so great that I cannot even describe it in words. Being part of a show with all of them is a great joy for me, and I am very proud of it.”