Rating for Monday, January 29, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar)” grew by 0.19% in total but lost 0.71% in AB. Small fluctuations in the audience at the beginning of the show are quite normal; viewers have not yet decided whether they will continue watching the project or switch to something else. In any case, the results of the show, produced by Faruk Turgut, are excellent, and further rating growth can be expected in the near future.
The series “Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi)” rose by 0.71% in total and 0.10% in AB. The show, produced by Emre Konuk, has its audience, which by the tenth episode has already determined its preferences and continues to enjoy watching the favorite series.
The series “Omer” lost 0.54% in total and 0.81% in AB. The tough competition with the series “Red roses,” which gradually takes away the audience from the show produced by Onur Güvenatam, is affecting it. However, fans should not worry, considering the exclusive contract with Star TV; the series will continue without major issues until the end of the season.
The series “Sapphire” lost 0.45% in total and 0.24% in AB. Despite assurances that the series will not be closed in the near future, its position on the air becomes increasingly precarious.
1. Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar) – 6.99%⬆
2. Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi) – 6.72%⬆
7. Omer – 4.22%⬇
15. Sapphire (Safir) – 2.56%⬇
1. Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar) – 8.93%⬇
3. Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi) – 4.73%⬆
6. Omer – 3.98%⬇
27. Sapphire (Safir) – 1.18%⬇