Kaan Taşaner spoke about the tense moments during the shooting

Kaan Taşaner

Kaan Taşaner

Kaan Taşaner, who was recently spotted in the Bebek district, responded to his colleague Nejat İşler’s comments about preferring domestic stories in TV series over Korean ones. The actor shared his views on conflicts on set, highlighting the importance of professionalism in such situations.

Taşaner emphasized, “Tense moments sometimes arise on set. In such cases, professionalism plays a key role. I have never encountered serious problems when interacting with colleagues. Someone might seem to lack empathy or the ability to fully share others’ feelings, but I have never experienced that.”

Regarding the internal politics of the industry, he added, “We make a significant contribution to content production. The length of TV series is a topic that has been discussed for many years. My acquaintances who are screenwriters sometimes express dissatisfaction with this, wishing to create original stories.”

Kaan also mentioned his recent ailment: “I felt a bit under the weather, had a sore throat, so I bought some medicine.”

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