The ratings for Monday, May 27, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV
The ratings for Monday brought Turkish viewers a new series “Lie (Yalan),” which started quite well in the total category but didn’t attract the educated viewer as much. For the beginning of the summer season, the numbers look quite normal, and if there is no further decline, which is not ruled out considering how capricious the Turkish audience can be, the series could be a good replacement for the main season series going on holiday.
The series “Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi)” lost 0.08% in total but grew by 0.15% in AB. The show of the state channel TRT1 is approaching the season finale with an average but quite stable result, equally well received by both ordinary viewers and the educated audience. For the next season, the series produced by Emre Konuk is moving forward calmly and with full confidence that it will be brought to a logical conclusion as planned.
2. Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi) – 4.73%⬇
4. Lie (Yalan) – 3.66%🆕
1. Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi) – 4.20%⬆
5. Lie (Yalan) – 2.82%🆕