Gökçe Eyüboğlu Returns to the Screen with the Series “Annem Ankara”

Gökçe Eyüboğlu
Following her successful role in the series “My Beautiful Life,” Gökçe Eyüboğlu has announced her involvement in a new TV show.
Filming for the series “Annem Ankara” will begin at the end of the month. The project will be directed by Faruk Teber, with a script written by Başak Angigün. After an extensive search for the right actress to play Vahide, the sister of the main character Zuhal (portrayed by Bergüzar Korel), the decision was finally made to cast Gökçe Eyüboğlu.
The series, which will bring together Bergüzar Korel and Mehmet Günsür, is set to start production in the coming days and will be aired on Kanal D.
The strong cast also includes Özgürcan Çevik, Yıldıray Şahinler, Durukan Çelikaya, Mustafa Enis Bilir, Ezgi Gör, Fatma Toptaş, Celile Toyon, Beyza Şekerci, Dilek Çelebi, and Mustafa Açılgan.