Hakan Kurtaş: Why Does He Choose an Alternative Path in Music?

Hakan Kurtaş

Hakan Kurtaş

Hakan Kurtaş: “I create music exactly as I want, as I feel it. Nothing excessive, nothing missing. I’m not afraid of making mistakes or not being accepted. I don’t belong to the mainstream. I’ve always been more drawn to the alternative path. I have no destructive ambitions. It’s wonderful that I can share my feelings and stories through music. And to receive positive feedback for it—well, that’s remarkable too. When a thousand people sing your song as if it were their own, or when it’s listened to millions of times, it’s an indescribable feeling. I realized this while performing with Kalben at the Harbiye Open-Air Theater and the Bodrum Antique Theatre. My new songs will be released in August, September, and October.”