Turkish Series News on August 31, 2024

 News updated at: 2024-08-31 18:19:13  

Filming has begun for the movie “From Mind to Heart,” starring Kerem Alışık and Şenay Gürler. The film focuses on themes of love and selflessness, aiming to evoke a deep emotional response from the audience.

From Mind to Heart

From Mind to Heart

Özge Özacar is ready for the second day of the Venice Film Festival.

Özge Özacar

Özge Özacar

Aslıhan Malbora at the Venice Film Festival as an ambassador for a global brand.

Aslıhan Malbora

Aslıhan Malbora

Hakan Kurtaş and Birce Akalay – a new photo.

Hakan Kurtaş and Birce Akalay

Hakan Kurtaş and Birce Akalay

Yasemin Kay Allen in an exclusive photoshoot for İstanbul Life magazine.

Yasemin Kay Allen

Yasemin Kay Allen

The popular NOW channel series “Red Buds” has begun filming its new season. Erkan Avcı and director Ömür Atay were present on the set on the first day.

Erkan Avcı and Ömür Atay

Erkan Avcı and Ömür Atay

Aslı Turanlı made a big impression at the Venice Film Festival while representing a jewelry company, wearing a stunning white outfit and accessories.

Aslı Turanlı

Aslı Turanlı

Büşra Develi is preparing for a new film shoot as well as a theater production.

Büşra Develi

Büşra Develi

Mert Yazıcıoğlu, Burak Dakak, and Leyla Tanlar were spotted at a shopping mall. When asked about his ex-girlfriend Afra Saraçoğlu, Mert Yazıcıoğlu responded, “I am very happy now. It no longer concerns me. It’s all in the past.”

Mert Yazıcıoğlu, Burak Dakak, and Leyla Tanlar

Mert Yazıcıoğlu, Burak Dakak, and Leyla Tanlar

The series “Teşkilat” is starting a new season on TRT 1. Tolga Sarıtaş has joined the cast, taking on the role of a character named Altay. The fifth season promises to reveal previously unknown facts.

Tolga Sarıtaş

Tolga Sarıtaş

Kubilay Aka and Hafsanur Sancaktutan, who have been in a relationship for some time, will compete against each other on screens this season, starring in the lead roles of the series “Pearl Grains” and “Black Heart” on Thursdays.

Kubilay Aka and Hafsanur Sancaktutan

Kubilay Aka and Hafsanur Sancaktutan

Dilan Çiçek Deniz, who is the face of the brand that is the main sponsor of the Venice Film Festival, filmed a commercial in Venice.

Dilan Çiçek Deniz

Dilan Çiçek Deniz

Actress İlayda Sezgin has joined the project “Wild.” The new season of the series will premiere on September 7th. Two new families will be introduced, adding complexity to the plot. İlayda Sezgin, known for her role in “My Brothers and Sisters,” will play Asi’s sister. The project also welcomes Okan Selvi and Kanbolat Görkem Arslan, who will portray the fathers of key characters.

İlayda Sezgin

İlayda Sezgin

Şevval Sam, who maintains her beauty and slim figure despite the years, responded to the question “How do you manage to keep your beauty?” by saying, “Beauty has never been my main focus. I pay attention to my diet. I don’t manage to exercise because I work in a very intense schedule.”

Şevval Sam

Şevval Sam

Turkey’s stars are heading to Venice with Lexus. Hadise, Melis Sezen, and Salih Bademci will walk the red carpet at the Venice Film Festival as invited guests of the event’s official car sponsor, Lexus. They are also brand ambassadors for Lexus in Turkey.

Melis Sezen

Melis Sezen

İbrahim Çelikkol was awarded the “Best International Actor” at the 22nd Kineo Awards ceremony, held as part of this year’s Venice Film Festival. The well-known actor attended the event with his girlfriend, Natali Yarcan.

İbrahim Çelikkol

İbrahim Çelikkol

Aras Bulut İynemli on the set of the series “Genius”

Aras Bulut İynemli

Aras Bulut İynemli

Alperen Duymaz and Halil İbrahim Ceyhan with director Hilal Saral on the set of the series “Leyla.”

Alperen Duymaz and Halil İbrahim Ceyhan

Alperen Duymaz and Halil İbrahim Ceyhan

Kerem Bürsin will attend the Venice Film Festival on September 5th.

Kerem Bürsin

Kerem Bürsin

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