Rating for Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV

Ratings of Turkish TV

The ratings for Tuesday, September 3 introduced Turkish viewers to the first series of the new season, “The Nightfall (Bir Gece Masalı),” starring Burak Deniz and Su Burcu Yazgı Coşkun. The series made a strong debut, earning excellent initial numbers. Viewers, evidently missing their regular evening shows, embraced the new story with great enthusiasm. The project by NGM has a good “head start” over its competitors, as filming began back in the spring, which means it might be able to build a loyal audience before the fierce competition for dominance in Turkish television begins this fall.

2. The Nightfall (Bir Gece Masalı) – 4.67%🆕

2. The Nightfall (Bir Gece Masalı) – 4.48%🆕