Ratings for Monday, October 21, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV
Monday’s ratings introduced Turkish viewers to a new series, “The Cost of Lies (Kalpazan),” which premiered with fairly solid numbers in both categories. The upcoming episodes will reveal whether it will become a success, but fans of the series’ stars can reasonably hope for a positive ratings trend.
The series “Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar)” saw an increase of 0.18% in the Total category and 0.67% in AB. Producer Faruk Turgut’s show remains one of the most successful shows of the new season and confidently looks toward the future. An excellent script, solid direction, and outstanding acting form the recipe that makes Turkish series so successful.
The series “Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi)” returned for its second season with a steady performance, once again attracting viewers to TRT1 with its captivating historical plot. While the show can’t be considered a hit, it is a solid mid-tier show that is likely to last the entire season.
The series “Black Mulberry (Karadut)” rose by 0.16% in Total and 0.13% in AB. Despite this slight growth, it is unlikely that the show will remain on air for much longer, as the competition is too fierce and the ratings too low. We may hear about its cancellation in the very near future.
The series “Land of Love (Güzel Aşklar Diyarı)” increased by 0.18% in Total and 0.33% in AB. However, this won’t be enough to save the show. It has been reported that the series will end after its sixth episode, due to the same reason—low ratings.
Total Category:
1. Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar) – 6.08% ⬆
4. Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi) – 4.66% 🆕
6. The Cost of Lies (Kalpazan)” – 3.88% 🆕
11. Land of Love (Güzel Aşklar Diyarı) – 2.84% ⬆
15. Black Mulberry (Karadut) – 2.53% ⬆
AB Category:
1. Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar) – 8.87% ⬆
2. The Cost of Lies (Kalpazan) – 3.92% 🆕
3. Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi) – 3.74% 🆕
15. Black Mulberry (Karadut) – 1.63% ⬆
22. Land of Love (Güzel Aşklar Diyarı) – 1.22% ⬆