Ratings for Friday, November 29, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV

Ratings of Turkish TV

The series “Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti)” saw an increase of 0.26% in Total and 1.44% in AB ratings. Produced by Faruk Turgut, the show remains one of the most popular among Turkish audiences this season, continuing its triumphant run and clearly aiming for another season. However, this also means the storyline will likely be stretched excessively.

The series “Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını)” experienced a decline of 0.13% in both Total and AB ratings. Unfortunately, the drop, while minor, remains consistent, and efforts to halt it have not succeeded so far. Producer Onur Güvenatam’s show has increasingly limited time to prove its viability. If the ratings do not improve within the next two weeks, a finale after the New Year will become inevitable.

The series “Legend of the Black Tree (Kara Ağaç Destanı)” gained 0.27% in Total and 0.35% in AB ratings. It is worth noting that the network had considered extending the show if ratings improved. This suggests the show may stay on air for a few more weeks, despite the decision to conclude it.

Total Ratings:
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 8.76%⬆
2. Backstreets (Arka Sokaklar) – 5.54%⬆
5. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 4.90%⬇
12. Legend of the Black Tree (Kara Ağaç Destanı) – 3.08%⬆

AB Ratings:
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 10.71%⬆
8. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 2.60%⬇
9. Backstreets (Arka Sokaklar) – 2.50%⬇
11. Legend of the Black Tree (Kara Ağaç Destanı) – 2.11%⬆