A Fateful Episode of “Cranberry Sherbet”: Who Will Survive?

Özge Özacar
Today’s episode of the popular Show TV series “Cranberry Sherbet” promises to be the climax of the year, resembling a season finale. It is also the last episode of the current year.
In this episode, the character Görkem (played by Özge Özacar) intentionally starts a fire at the restaurant where the Ünal and Arslan families have gathered for a New Year’s Eve dinner. However, this act will prove fatal for her. The fire, which claims four lives and leaves nine injured, has left viewers with many questions. It has been confirmed that Görkem herself will be one of the victims, but the identities of the other casualties remain unknown.
According to rumors, another victim is Görkem’s father, Resul, played by Murat Ercanlı. Thus, both Görkem and her father will perish in the fire. Trailers have also revealed that Nilay (Feyza Civelek) suffers a serious injury, while Sönmez (Aliye Uzunatağan) falls ill. The identities of the remaining two victims will only be revealed on January 10, when the new episode airs. The January 3 episode, it is reported, will not be broadcast due to a New Year’s advertising break.
The fire scenes were filmed under the direction of Ketche and Eylem Oğuz in Silivri over the course of three days. A team of 200 people prepared for the shoot over a week. Additionally, the episode features a guest performance by Kosovan singer Morena.