Ratings for Friday, December 27, 2024
The series “Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti)” increased by 1.62% in total ratings and 0.71% in AB ratings. The show, produced by Faruk Turgut, concluded the tv autumn season on a high note, firmly securing its position as one of the top hits of Turkish television. The screenwriters have managed to captivate viewers, who eagerly anticipate the resolution of each new plot twist that has kept them on edge for three consecutive years. With such momentum, a fourth season appears inevitable.
The series “Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını)” saw a rise of 0.88% in total ratings and 0.07% in AB ratings. While the show, produced by Onur Güvenatam, continues to retain its audience, it is no longer considered a blockbuster. The main question remains: will it make it to the end of the main season, or will the arrival of new competitors bring this story to a definitive close?
Total Ratings:
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 10.69% ⬆
5. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 4.87% ⬆
AB Ratings:
1. Cranberry Sherbet (Kızılcık Şerbeti) – 12.75% ⬆
8. Golden Boy (Yalı Çapkını) – 2.27% ⬆