Ratings for Monday, December 30, 2024

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Distant City (Uzak Şehir)” rose by 0.91% in Total ratings but lost 0.33% in AB. The show, produced by Kerem Çatay, continues to generate significant interest among general viewers. We can only hope that the screenwriters maintain the high standard, especially considering they have an excellent Arabic script as a foundation. While the AB audience shows some fluctuations, their ongoing engagement is a promising sign for the future of the series.
The series “Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar)” lost 0.17% in Total ratings and 0.36% in AB. Despite still attracting considerable attention from an educated and affluent audience, the general viewership is gradually losing interest—a trend that needs to be reversed. Hopefully, the writers will bring an intriguing plot twist in the new year to recapture the audience’s attention.
The series “Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi)” gained 0.27% in Total ratings but lost 0.20% in AB. As a production of the state television network, the show enjoys a strong foundation and a loyal audience eager to continue following the storyline. It seems likely that we can look forward to a third season.
Total Ratings:
1. Distant City (Uzak Şehir) – 12.75% ⬆
4. Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar) – 4.96% ⬇
8. “Salahaddin Ayyubi” – 4.38% ⬆
AB Ratings:
1. Red Roses (Kızıl Goncalar) – 8.12% ⬇
2. Distant City (Uzak Şehir) – 6.32% ⬇
7. Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi (Salahaddin Ayyubi) – 3.39% ⬇