Rating for Sunday, January 26, 2025

Ratings of Turkish TV
The show “Intelligence” (Teşkilat) lost 0.66% in Total and 1.09% in AB. This TRT1 state channel production by Timur Savcı continues to deliver excellent results in its fifth season, and this slight fluctuation in ratings is unlikely to affect its future. It is highly probable that the producers are already working on the sixth season.
The show “Genius” (Deha) lost 0.13% in Total and 1.07% in AB. While the drop in AB is somewhat concerning, it appears unrelated to the show itself since all competitors experienced declines as well. This suggests external factors may be at play, and the audience is likely to return next week.
The show “Portrait of a Scandalous Family” (Şakir Paşa Ailesi) lost 1.30% in Total and 2.22% in AB. This decrease was anticipated due to specific circumstances—the creators had to introduce an artificial flashback while the sets were being restored. The show is expected to resume its main storyline next week, likely bringing the audience back.
Total Ratings:
1. “Intelligence” (Teşkilat) – 8.10%⬇
3. “Genius” (Deha) – 4.25%⬇
5. “Portrait of a Scandalous Family” (Şakir Paşa Ailesi) – 3.76%⬇
AB Ratings:
1. “Intelligence” (Teşkilat) – 6.58%⬇
2. “Genius” (Deha) – 3.67%⬇
3. “Portrait of a Scandalous Family” (Şakir Paşa Ailesi) – 3.65%⬇