Rating for Monday, January 27, 2025

Ratings of Turkish TV
The series “Distant City” (Uzak Şehir) showed an impressive growth of 0.95% in Total ratings and 1.01% in AB ratings. Produced by Kerem Çatay, the show continues to surpass all competitors, delivering results that Turkish drama audiences have not seen in years. Let’s hope the writers maintain their creative momentum, introducing fresh, unexpected plot twists that will secure the creators’ well-deserved success.
The series “Red Roses” (Kızıl Goncalar) gained 0.10% in Total ratings but lost 0.85% in AB ratings. For producer Faruk Turgut, ratings are not a decisive factor for this project. The series is set to conclude at the end of this season. However, it would be ideal for the writers to maintain the high standard set in the first season and avoid the cliché storylines so prevalent in Turkish dramas.
The series “Salahaddin Ayyubi” (Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi) experienced a decrease of 0.26% in Total ratings and 0.50% in AB ratings. For the TRT1 state channel, this drop is not critical enough to lead to a sudden cancellation. However, if the decline continues, the show may struggle to secure a third season.
Total Ratings:
1. “Distant City” (Uzak Şehir) – 15.01% ⬆
8. “Red Roses” (Kızıl Goncalar) – 4.00% ⬆
10. “Salahaddin Ayyubi” (Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi) – 3.54% ⬇
AB Ratings:
1. “Distant City” (Uzak Şehir) – 10.32% ⬆
3. “Red Roses” (Kızıl Goncalar) – 4.86% ⬇
7. “Salahaddin Ayyubi” (Kudüs Fatihi Selahaddin Eyyubi) – 2.96% ⬇