The New York Times discusses The Protector’s subtitle quality

The Protector
The largest edition of the US New York Times discusses the embarrassment with Alfonso Cuaron’s film “Roma,” in which the director himself, who had just received the Golden Globe for Best Director and Best Foreign Film, was extremely unhappy with the quality of the subtitles. True, the journalist praises Netflix for an adequate approach to the situation – the managers tried to rectify the situation. The journalist discusses the quality of subtitles on the platform, while apart from the potential Oscar candidate this year, he mentions only one project – the TV series The Protector, saying that Turkish viewers were also dissatisfied with the quality of translation: sometimes the actors said quite opposite that was translated in subs.
I believe they added cuss word to the English subtitles in The Protector that were NOT spoken in Turkish…. –Particularly in the beginning. 🙁
It was an excellent series, but it was disappointing to see the gratuitous sex thrown in (not normally in Turkish series) as if it was done just to “Americanize it” and qualify it for an MA rating.
You should see Forbidden Love. You will be very surprised by the abundance of love scenes much bolder than in The Protector