Reason for divorce of Ezgi Eyüboğlu and Kaan Yıldırım

Ezgi Eyüboğlu and Kaan Yıldırım
On Wednesday quite unexpectedly for many the couple Ezgi Eyüboğlu and Kaan Yıldırım put an end to their relationship. The couple was considered by many to be one of the strongest in the Turkish show business, so their separation was a real shock for fans.
As it turned out, Ezgi filed for divorce. She stated that there was irreconcilable disagreement between her and her husband. The young woman was determined and refused alimony, which, according to Turkish law, her husband was obliged to pay her in case of divorce. Kaan did not object to his wife demand so the court decided to divorce spouses at one hearing. According to the rumor the reason for such a radical decision was adultery.