Turkish Series News on September 16, 2019
We are waiting for the third season of the series Cukur with Hazal Subasi

Hazal Subasi
Aflii Aşk TV series Autumn Season Promo

Aflii Aşk
Mehmet Ali Nuroğlu joined the cast of the TV series Star TV Pigeon / Güvercin. He will play a character named Kenan. Filming of the project will begin on October 13. The director is Altan Donmez

Mehmet Ali Nuroğlu
The series 1001 nights began broadcasting in Spain yesterday. It received excellent numbers at the start: 480 thousand viewers and 3% rating

1001 ночь
Fans found yet another confirmation that Can Yaman and Demet Özdemir had vacation together after filming the Early Bird series: the photo from the airport, where the actors are waiting for the departure

Джан Яман и Демет Оздемир
The film Görülmüştür starring Berkay Ates and Saadet Aksoy will be released in Turkey on September 20. Recall that the movie received a critical prize at the International Karlovy Vary Festival.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXudP5BSScM[/embedyt]Aras Bulut Iinemli recalls the premiere of the third season of the series Çukur today

Aylin Veziroğlu joins the cast of the series Forbidden Fruit / Yasak Elma, where she will play a character named Seline

Aylin Veziroğluу
Black and white photo of Duygu Sarışın

Duygu Sarışın
In his last interview, Barış Arduç again confessed his love to Gupse Ozay, saying that together they overcame all difficulties in the relationship. He never even thought about other women, did not try to compare with the one he chose.

Barış Arduç and Gupse Ozay
In a new interview Berrak Tüzünataç who began working on the TV series Bullet said that she does not like horror films – she is scared. But loves yoga. And she does not take criticism of the photo in the bikini seriously … let them say

Berrak Tüzünataç
Turkish viewers are worried: what awaits us in the third season of the series Çukur, that begins already … today
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-l_5XGXDWQ[/embedyt]According to Turkish social networks, Nur Sürer (in the role of Azer’s mother) and Meral Çetinkaya (in the role of grandmother of Efsun and mother of Baikal) joined the cast of the series Çukur.

Çağatay Ulusoy – new photo. According to the ladies, Çağatay was shot in the film, so they were able to take a picture with him

Çağatay Ulusoy
Arab sources report that Çağatay Ulusoy is in talks to participate in new series. Moreover, two series are being prepared for television and one is an online project. How much information is true is difficult to say. In any case, before the release of the 3rd season of the series The Protector, the actor is committed to the Netflix Internet platform, so nothing will be revealed

Çağatay Ulusoy
The series My Home / Evim starring Demet Özdemir produced by OG Medya will be released on TV8 channel. There is talk that Berk Atan may become a partner of Demet, but so far they have no evidence

Demet Özdemir