Did Serenay Sarıkaya and Cem Yilmaz get married?

Serenay Sarıkaya and Cem Yilmaz
Serenay Sarıkaya and Cem Yilmaz are already married! Turkish media today has such headlines. And this is not a rumor, but official information or kind of…
News about the sudden affair of the 46-year-old comedian Cem Yilmaz and the star of the musical “Alice in Wonderland” Serenay Sarıkaya did not leave the pages of the Turkish tabloids. Some high-profile statements supersede others. The last bomb that hit Turkish viewers is the news of the wedding of two lovers. Moreover, the information was personally confirmed by Cem Yilmaz.
On Friday, February 21, the famous comedian gave a short interview to the program of the D channel 2nd page / 2. Sayfa, in which he confirmed that he married Serenay Sarıkaya legally and then received congratulations from the journalists. Regarding the recent statements of his ex-girlfriend Defne Samyeli, Cem refused to give any explanations. At the same time, Cem found it necessary to clarify his position regarding the scandal surrounding his wife’s ex-boyfriend Kerem Bursin. Cem explained that he loves Kerem very much and did not want to offend him.
We remind you that earlier journalists also reported on Cem’s desire to become a father again. Now they assure that the decision on marriage was made by the actors precisely with the aim of becoming parents as soon as possible. However, while some viewers continue to doubt the reality of what is happening. They point out that Cem is a comedian and often makes fun of journalists. Perhaps the words about marriage are also a joke, although not very successful. We can only wait until Serenay confirms the words of her alleged spouse and congratulate the happy couple, wishing them to quickly fulfill their desire to become parents.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_aO4cEZ6hbc[/embedyt]