Tolga Sarıtaş became the co-star of Dilan Çiçek Deniz

Tolga Sarıtaş became the co-star of Dilan Çiçek Deniz
Tolga Sarıtaş joined the series Unfinished Love, where his co-stars will be Dilan Çiçek Deniz and Burak Deniz. What role would a young Turkish actor play and whether it would affect his work on the series Glitch / Ariza, which began shooting in July?
On Saturday, June 20, TIMS & B Productions began shooting a new series for the BluTV digital platform Unfinished Love / Yarım Kalan Aşklar. The scenario of Ethem Ozişik tells the story of love, betrayal and the transmigration of souls. As the producers of the company Timur Savci and Burak Sağyaşar announced, the famous Turkish actor Tolga Sarıtaş will appear in the series as a guest star. He is rumored to be the one who will portray the journalist who dies under mysterious circumstances. But this is not the end, but the beginning of the story. His soul is moved into the body of another person (Burak Deniz) and now he must reveal the secret of his own murder.
Curiously, Hande Erçel was originally to play the main female role in the project. However, due to the coronavirus epidemic, filming of the series was delayed and the actress had to give up her work on the digital series due to other commitments (she is engaged in a Fox TV series Knock on my door). If she had stayed on the project, she would please two big fandoms. As is well known, Hande Erçel played with both Burak Deniz and Tolga Sarıtaş and both duets aroused the enthusiasm of the audience. Alas, however, this did not happen. Dilan Çiçek Deniz will star in the show.
This is the third joint project with the producer Timur Savci for Tolga Sarıtaş. He starred in the series The Magnificent Century and the Oath of the same company. In July, Tolga will begin filming the series of O3 Medya Glitch / Ariza. As for Burak Deniz, by August he will be free for a new job and rumored to return to Turkish screens in a new TV show in the fall.