September 2020 Turkish TV Series Premieres

September 2020 Turkish TV Series Premieres
Turkish TV series are back! When will your favorite projects start and what new TV shows will we see on the air this month? We have prepared a short list with the dates of the September premieres.
In the spring of 2020, the Turkish series suffered a severe setback. Almost all the series were stopped because of the threat of a coronavirus. Almost six months of the absence of the favorite TV shows had the serious consequences: the Turkish viewers return slowly and reluctantly. The ratings of many returning projects are much lower than anticipated.
However, there are also happy exceptions. Summer TV series Knock on My Door continues to enjoy great success with Turkish audiences. Launched last week, the series Call My Agent ranked higher with each new episode, becoming an event in the television life of Turkey. So what are the premieres and returns in September?
Already this week, newcomers New Life (September 3), Red Room (September 4) and Maria and Mustafa (September 6) will start. The unusual format of the series The Red Room, which focuses on psychotherapy and real patient stories, can attract the attention of viewers. The classic love story of Maria and Mustafa also has good chances, because Turkish viewers are very fond of stories about the deepest countryside.
Next week the beloved series The Pit, Ambassador’s Daughter, Forbidden Fruit, Ramo, Hercai, The Choice and Simurg will return to the air. The expected second season of the series Atiye / The Gift kicks off on Netflix on September 10. There will be also two interesting novelties. The series Ariza starring Tolga Sarıtaş and Ayça Ayşin Turan starts on Sunday, September 13. And on Friday, the subscribers of the Blu TV digital platform will watch the series Unfinished Love starring Burak Deniz, Dilan Çiçek Deniz and Tolga Sarıtaş.
On September 15, we will see the premiere of the TV series Apartment of the Innocents starring Farah Zeynep Abdullah and Birkan Sokullu. The most rated TV series in Turkey this year, The Miraculous Doctor, starts on September, 17. The date of the premiere of the second Turkish super hit the series The Ottoman has not yet been determined, but for sure it will happen very soon, because the shooting is already underway.
The most interesting thing awaits the audience in late September and early October. The premiere of the historical project Awakening: The Great Seljuks starring Bugra Gulsoy and Ekin Koç will start on September 28. Its promo made a very strong impression on the Turkish audience. Several other new series are in preparation.